Monday 31 October 2011

After Effects for the Chess player

Above: Good evening. Middle: ...White Please. Below: Black

So here is a the next section, the switching on of the Unbeatable computer, and the computer deciding which side to be. I did one for each as at the time I decided to that the evil computer will prefer black, it will also allow the robot hands to start first... This is where the frustrations begin!
I did it in After effects, which I'm very glad I've started using more as i can now use it as practice for my final olympics piece, which is after this project. I like the glow of the letters, and it again helps set the scene. Sorry not uploaded my sketches yet, completely forgot.

Sunday 30 October 2011

The beginning section of my music

For the past few days I have been working on creating a little sound track to accompany my robot animation. I think it gives the futuristic feel, although it may be a little too creepy. I've tweaked it a little since but just wanted to keep updated. I think I like it, not sure yet. I also have a new found respect for musicians who can successfully make their own music, very hard. Been at this for ages on a good programme LMMS. So glad I have it.

Friday 28 October 2011

The Button Update

Here is another 5 second section added on to the animation below, the switching on of the  UNBEATABLE computer. I really want to show a range of movement in this animation, fully use all the techniques I've never been able to do before. I think I've set it up nicely now that I can begin actually telling the story, the intro is over once the computer says "good evening".

Lets Play

Here it is, animation combined with the opening!! I'm so happy, theres one flaw in it, but maybe it adds to it I dont know. Anyway I like it, it took a lot of faffing around and again 2.5hrs to render, but its starting to take shape. I'm starting to think about a sound track to go with it, and not forgetting sound effects, like the cracking of the knuckles. I really want my hands to have a Human personality its just trapped in Robot hands.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Opening Scene Extended

This is the extended version of the opening which i will be using. It sets the scene better I feel, as it shows the whole chessboard, the hands, and the computer. It also does justice to the reflections, and is a little longer so audience can digest it better. I prefer it, its now 15sec worth of video, and doesnt feel so rushed, and it opens nicely into my next scene: The hands waking up.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

1st time using a Free camera on a track

This is the 1st piece of animation for my robot piece, its all static as I just wanted to set the scene 1st. I might infact make the beginning reflection section longer and same with the ending, when its just looking at the board. I like how all the reflections have come up on the chess pieces, along with the subtle reflection on the chess board. Took an hour though which is worrying.

Quick Exercise

Thought it would be nice to take a little break from all my coursework and make this:

Same Balloons but with the sky in the background:

Actually quite proud on how it turned out, I know there are flaws in it, but theres something that makes me happy at the idea of a balloon filled sky. I want them to my represent ideas, that float around in my head. Also just had Andy showing me how to use particle systems, which looks AWESOME!! Can't wait to have a play around with that

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Update on Materials

So here is a quick render of my scene, I've applied a deep blue raytrace onto the black squares, and now have a wooden table rather than it all be black, which I'm still 50/50 on. It lifts the image a lot, but I'm not sure if it distracts away from it or not, or even takes away the futuristic feel. I might tweek the white pieces, and white checkers too.
Here is the same shot as the one above but the computer has buttons and speakers, also there is shadowing from the hands, making the lighting more realisttic from above. I changed the above omni light to a target light playing with the effects.

progress report:

Metallic Material

So I just wanted to show my metallic material, the above shot is a reflection off of the left shoulder, I might have to use that shot as an opening in my animation. I like that its all metallic, suits the theme of the robot, but I think I need to lessen the reflection on the pieces and even the board. Although the board only has a reflection off of the black squares, really I want the board to be more see through, yet I'm worried that the black surface below will make the white bits seem black too. Guess I will have to keep playing, anyway the pieces have been modelled, had help from Andy on the horse but its still my design and I've tweaked it since. I'm actually quite impressed with it, it does give off a futuristic feel, and it does keep in with my robot arms. I've yet to finish the computer just add some more buttons and make the mini animation "Checkmate" for it. Then I can actually begin the film. Sorry I haven't added my sketches and storyboard yet, need to get my hands either a camera with batteries or a scanner that for some reason needs ink to scan to computer (flaws in the Kodak all in one printer).

Above is my overall scene, and the set up, getting the hands right I think is going to be fiddly as I dont want them to clash with other pieces. What I love about it is that its just grown, piece by piece, section by section. I wasnt quite sure what my overall scene would look like, I am actually thinking a wooden table but worried it would lose the theme. A lot of it is just playing around, and so far my playing has paid off.

Monday 24 October 2011

Hmmm... Chess Pieces beginning

This is just a progress render of my pieces, they still have a lot of tweaking left to do. Basic shapes are there but I am not happy with them yet, maybe material will help and more detail. Although they are supposed to be just Metal representations of the chess pieces rather than the standard ones. I'm also building them from scratch as I feel everyone is probably just copying a online tutorial, and I'd like my animation to stand out a little more. Anyway also to add... the chess computer has now been built it just needs detail like buttons, the black rectangle is when the words such as "Check In 10" will appear.

Friday 21 October 2011


I win, took me hours but I win!! I have made two seperate (seperate being the key word) movable arms. They can be aniamted individually so yes animating may take longer but the overal story will be successful. I can believe how long it took me, I was stumped after fully completing my 1st arm, naively I thought I could clone and rotate it, but noooooo!!! That probably is possible and there might be a shortcut I need to learn to get round re building the hand and each of its fingers. BUT HAH.... I did it, now I can make my chess board and pieces, I'm thinking of designing my own just because everyone else seems to be copying tutorials online and they'll all look the same.
I could cry with relief. Tonight I will also discuss and show my initial designs for the hand. Anyway here they are:

I have not added any kind of material or lighting just because I've only just literally finished the modelling.

With one omni light and and chess board, plus few materials.  I just needed to get a feel for it so I can ponder about it over the weeked. Finally my vision is coming to life

Don't be afraid

I was thinking about my networks out in Norway and I forgot that I know and spoke to a very well known artist out there, Kjell Erik Killi Olsen. It was my final year at the college and we had our end of year exhibiton in a huge U-boat building. Out of the class they thought my War Animation was the most interesting and wanted me to have an interview. This is how I met him. He has a very interesting idea of art and his sculptures are intriguing and sexual, He has had exhibitons out in places like New York. The more I think about my Network the more people pop up.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Imagi Studios Job

This is a job that is available at one of the companies I would love to have a go at, if I had more of a successful portfolio I would definitly apply.

Concept Artist
• Must be able to rapidly illustrate concepts based on verbal and written directives
• Design and artwork is needed for both characters, props and environments, so solid confidence with either one area or all must be demonstrated with portfolio
• Must be confident with both traditional media and digital, from Pencil to Photoshop.
• Must have confidence with colour and be able to take an idea from sketch form to finished colour artwork
• Great visualization and artistic skills with an eye for detail and realism
• Great photo-retouch skill
• Strong communication skill
• Team spirit is required
• Efficient and speedy work practices for quick turn-around time under deadline pressure
• Please be highly motivated and passionate about your work and have a positive attitude
• Knowledge of 3D animation or media production processes is an definite advantage
• Traditional drawing and portfolio required

Tuesday 18 October 2011

YES to success

I'm in the middle of my robot arm picking up a ball and throwing it to the wall, (Andy's Tutorial) and I have hit success, look.....

I couldn't be happier with it, I am currently now able to animate a robot arm and have it pick something up, also added jitteriness so it looks more realistic. I'm actually very proud of it. Although I know that either today or tomorrow I will have to begin my own project and arm, but now I have the tools and Knowledge I'm actually very excited for it!

Mini Update:
Very near completion of this task, tomorrow I think I need to begin modelling my own hands and chess board. I've got the basics down and the story is just about complete, there is no excuse not to start. Anyway here is the progress report, I have completed him throwing it to the wall now just to catch it and sort out the speed of the ball.

The Chess player

The inspiration for this animation came from a mixture of sources, mainly from research but a little from chance. Whilst reserching the physcology of chess it spoke of how a computer could not win against a grandmaster. I began to think of how a chess computer should look, should it have a huge sepereate screen, or be small and intergrated into the chessboard, and how would the hands play a role etc. Nowadays technology is becoming more compact, so I decided to have the chess board as a all in one futuristic piece. I beleive this would keep the chessboard as the main focus within the story. I didn't want to split the hnads up into two seperate personalities, because like in "Geri's Game" its important to focus wholly on the emotion in that scene. The audience feels more connected and is less complex to understand. Having two parts (hands and the screen) on the chessboards means I can focus primarely on the narrative.

I'm thinking of using the same kind of seperate shots and scenes in my animation like in Geri's game. It just makes it more visually interesting, and like the chess game I played few weeks back, no one wants to watch chess for 30mins. The shorted the better, as it adds to the frustration of the hands. I think 'Geri's Game' is a fantastic bit of narrative even though the story makes no sense, automatically you feel connected, I hope to do the same in my piece.

Also I'm very lucky and sooooo happy now that Andy has taught us how to make the hand pick things up and put them down again. This will really help add a few more scenes and depth to mine.

Friday 14 October 2011

Quick render of my animated robot hand

I know the quality is bad, but this is just a quick render to show my 1st piece of true animation, I have never ever succesfully understood or appreciated what 3ds Max can do. Well till now, I couldnt be happier and so relieved, I must definitely start learning how to use premiere properly otherwise all my hardwork wont be able to be shown off. Anyway here it is, after hours of listening to Andy's tutorial, I am done and can enjoy the weekend a bit more.

Also this weekend I will be telling the story of my 'The Chess Player' animation indepth over next few days. I've come up with a humourous little idea of the hands being a seperate personality from the small computer screen on the side of the chessboard. Basically the little chess screen just keeps saying things like check in 5, check in 12 etc. The poor hands just becoming more and more agitated before finally throwing a tantrum! Hah makes me smile anyway.

Be gentle its my 1st time

Well Finally I have begun to understand and appreciate IK and FK's in 3ds Max, I just wanted to share my progress and small victory in the beginning steps of animation. This is something I have never been able to achieve before, I can see the importance of Dummies, i know what a reaction manager is and i understand the use of hierachies. I couldn't be happier, although I have had Andy's voice in my ear for the past 3 hours continously, I now have ear ache. Here is the progress image of my robot arm and hand.

I'm going to have a bit of a break and hopefully carry on animating the arm, for the very first time. Then I think I might just build a quick 3d image of my arena for the BURRBALL. The ideas are now just flying to me now. Also over the weekend I am going to create a story board for my chess player animation. Hands vs. Computer

Thursday 13 October 2011

Fantasy olympics - BURRBALL

  So here it is, all week I have been struggling to come up with an idea, all I could think of was COW HURDLING, yes that was my big idea for a week. BUT... last night before dropping off to sleep I was thinking of cow hurdling and I started to think about their black and white spots, should they be hurdled towards a massive target then imagined them to have velcro in the black spots, then I pictured humans dressed in velcro flying towards tragets, that got me thinking about gravity. Imagine if there wasnt any!! I started thinking about giant coloured balls different sizes as obstacles. Yet this led onto a point system each ball worth different points, Black 100, Red 50, Blue 25, White a measley 10 points. Now picture them floating in a giant white arena with the moons gravity. And someone dressed in a Velcro suite floating from one end to the other collecting the balls to their suits. BUT you need rules, so imagine the big points like the black ball and Red ball being heavily weighted, and the blue and white ball being lighter. The rule being if you touch the floor (by being so weighted down for example) you are disqualified. Also the 1st to cross gains an extra 50points or something maybe?!!
   I just love the idea that at the end these people are just covered in giant coloured balls, completely tangled up in them and maybe each other. So from cow hurdling I got this a awesome funny sport, definitely something I would love to watch on TV. Now to think about the characters and what angle I want the advert to take, something serious for the olympics or more fun and flashy like the sport is.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Playing Chess

This is me and my Fiancee playing chess, I was initially going to take out the sound but then I found there was alot of emotion that I could use in my animation. Like the fact Emma threatening to throw the chessboard at me. I also researched a little into body language and the use of hands. Apparently throughout the video my left hand is in the shape of a fist and being covered by my right, holding myself back from attacking (this mostly likely due to knowing if I didnt i'd have chess pieces flying at me. Emma's hands weren't as descripitive so tonight we're going to re film and try again, I've also now written all the rules down for her too.

It is quite a long 12mins or so, but there are some very interesting traits and events that take place, but I've cut alot out as a lot of it was me retelling the rules. I also found the Orrey I created last year, and its obvious my skills have vastly improved:
This is last years and then                                     
this is this years

Monday 10 October 2011

The Solar System

And here is the end product of hours of hardwork, finally understanding the importance of hierachies and FK's. I've also been able to put my knowledge of lighting and materials to use.

The Solar System from simone Hunt on Vimeo.

I'm proud of the lighting from the sun and the fact that the planets have a darkside like in reality. I've tried to keep it as realistic as possible, like the 4 major moons of jupiter and the sizes of each planet too. It is the reflection though from the orrey onto the stand that I am most proud of!

Friday 7 October 2011

Starting a Fresh

My new blog.
Let's begin with where I am and what I have started. Currently I have 3 projects on the go now and  an essay on where I will fit into the world of work, I'm think Japan or Norway, anyway more of that later. Today's blog will be on my first piece of completed work: The Solar System. I have spent a good few hours (8 in total) creating materials and understanding movement within this animation. I now understand IK and FK in 3ds Max which I never did before, I've incorporated all the things I have learnt this past month like lighting, materials and forward kinetics. Once the animation is finished rendering I will upload onto my blog, but here is a preview of whats to come:
What I have done is made the base, arms and tripod a reflective metal, used a few omni's to increase the suns rays and make the surfaces more reflective. Along with this the main source of light is definitely the sun so setting the opacity to 100 and adding a omni light into the middle, it depicts how the sun's rays would really hit the surfaces of the other planets. (I also researched into what colours the planets were.) Overall I feel my 3d skills have drastically improved since the beginning of this piece. The things I have been studying are finally coming together.

I will also update the progress of my other 3 projects 'Fantasy Olympics' (thinking cow hurdling) The Still life project, in which I will be reflecting how we groom children for destruction, and finally 'The Chess Player' I have so many idea's flying around for this one I don't even know where to begin.